Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ladies' Retreat 2008

May 16-17 the Alabama Ladies' Retreat was at Camp Boothe at Greenpond, Alabama. The Campground came alive with 199 ladies registering, finding cabins, unpacking and getting with old and new friends.

The banquet tables were decorated by ladies from across the state with the theme: "Celebrating Christ as the Continual Feast and Celebration of our Lives". They did a great job. ( a few sample pictures follows)

Andrea Mitchell and the worship team from Mastin Lake Huntsville led in worship and International Women's Ministry Director Cathy Payne ministered during the evening service. The ladies responded to the Word and lined up for prayer to receive what they had need of.

Refreshments followed in the dining room with Debra Robinson giving us ideas on Time Management and Budgeting. Then Good Night.......

Breakfast came too early for some and then off to different areas for Taps (sharing and praying). Back to morning worship and the Word by Sister Payne. This morning's offering goes to pay for 10 new ladies (never have been to retreat) to come next year. We drew names out of all the churches and missions in Alabama for ten of them to receive a certificate that entitled one lady from that church to attend Alabama Ladies Retreat free. We thank our ladies for this vision of outreach and their willingness to give.

This was the best attendance we have had in years. There was one that received Christ during their Tap Meeting but God only knows the other experiences that were received in this Retreat. There were hugs and goodbyes, exchanging phone numbers and addresses. Soon cars were leaving the gates with some retreaters wishing the retreat was just beginning.

Alabama Ladies' Director Donna Howard is to be commented for her hard work and we give God the Glory for the success of this Retreat.

Enjoy the following pictures.

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