Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hydrate 08 - Cliff Haven Church

Praise the Lord! This past weekend the Hydrate Team was in Sheffield, Alabama. We had an awesome time in the Lord. Pastor Brian Sutton and the Cliff Haven church were amazing to work with. Because of the hard work and dedication of the Cliff Haven Church, saying we had a successful event would be an understatement. There were between 200-250 in attendance. There were 17 souls saved! 16 in the altar and one outside of the church house. The Holy Spirit arrested all of our hearts! Folks were being healing, delivered and re-hydrated. One of the members of the church told me afterwards, "this event is exactly what we needed." The community came out and several told us they wanting to start attending the Cliff Haven Church. Folks, this is just the beginning! God is using this tour in amazing ways! I have so much more to share but time will not permit. I just want to say, "thank you" to the Hydrate team. You know who you are. I am so proud to be a part of such a dynamic group of people. Until next time...

Tim Beck

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