Friday, April 11, 2008

Collinsville High School Outreach

Hey everybody! Just got back in the office from Collinsville, AL. Today, I was invited to be a part of a school outreach. Matt Rose, No Trespassing (Drama Team), and myself were given the opportunity to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 7th-12th graders at Collinsville High School. This morning as I was getting ready, I received a text message from Matt simply saying, "Give me Collinsville, lest I die!" Matt and the Collinsville church have been driven by the Holy Spirit to reach every middle/high school in their county. Folks, this is the fifth school they've been in and this is only their sixth month so far! The fields are ready... but are we?

This is how it all went down. CHS gave the team two hours. At 1 o'clock, 7th-9th graders gathered in the auditorium and at 2 o'clock 10th-12th gathered. So for two full hours, CHS, during school hours, allowed Gospel ministry to go forth. Praise the Lord! Now let me stop right here! Don't tell me we can't reach our schools. Don't tell me we can't pray in school. Don't tell me revival can't break out in high schools all over Alabama. We can, if we really want to, take back the school system here in Alabama. What are you doing to reach the schools in your area? Today is proof that they're reachable.

Back to CHS. In both assemblies, No Trespassing ministered a song, by the group, Kutless called "Run". They did a wonderful job. Also, Matt Rose preached a powerful message to both groups. Guess what he preached? Jesus Christ and Him crucified. That's all! As Matt preached this Good News, the students were hooked. During the first altar call, 75 students came up front and accepted Jesus, as their Lord and Savior. Round One ended with 75 decisions for Christ!

Now, of course you know, we were itching for round two. At the end of the second altar call, there were 42 students up front rejoicing, because they also accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. You do the math. 75 + 42 = 117! One hundred and seventeen students at Collinsville High School confessed and called upon the name of Jesus! This is where the church and church services belong! In the streets! Amen!

I have had an amazing day. Truly, today is the day of Salvation! I'm telling you this beautiful story, because I believe we, as a church, can reach this generation. I believe we can reach the students of Alabama. Do we want the harvest bad enough? If our answer is "Yes" then I hear God say, "Go!"

Tim Beck
Hydrate '08

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