Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Winter Conference--COLLISION

Winter Conference: Collision is just 29 days away.  I hope you are making plans to have your students, student leaders and youth workers at this conference.  This conference is one of the best ways to end one year and start the next.  We believe that through this conference great momentum can be gained.  Our team is excited to see what God has in store for us in 29 days.  Much planning and prayer is continually going on for our time together.  We do not want just another conference nor a Jesus pep rally.  We desire the fire of God to descend and permanently alter every single person in attendance.

Registration is going on right now and you'll want to make sure you get your students/leaders to this conference.  Because of limited space, we can only house 200 students.  Therefore, it is extremely important for you to get all applications in as soon as possible.  Applications, schedules, and more information can be found online at www.hydrateministries.com.

 We are also giving away a Foosball Table at the end of the conference to one student ministry.  Here's how it works: every youth group that has 15 or more registered will be entered in a drawing to win the foosball table.  The winning student ministry will then have a new foosball table to enjoy at their church each time they get together.

 We ask that you remember us in prayer as this conference draws near.  A collision awaits us in 29 days!  Isaiah 6.

Greater things ahead,

Tim Beck

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