Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fields of the Wood

October is always a special month for tourists/visitors to the Fields of the Wood --due to the beautiful Fall colors of the leaves.
Last weekend was a big time for us here at the Park--a beautiful wedding took place at the large altar, with the reception held on the cafe patio. It was a formal affair.

Two large charter buses brought 100 people from a church in Atlanta, plus all other church vans, R.V.s, pickups, cars and motorcycles. The large church group came early and stayed all day, having devotions at different areas of the park, and eating in the cafe. Youth groups come, Seniors, families, and many church groups.

People are being saved--it's amazing when they walk up the steps to the altar, the time they spend in reading all the scriptural markers. One day Wayne was walking up to the altar and he looked and was touched by what he saw--many little children kneeling at the altar. Lives have been changed when people come thru our gates. Several days ago a large bus with a youth group came and we had reserved tables for them--upon their arrival, Jenna met them and heard them speaking in a language she did not understand. She asked one of the leaders where they were from? He said, "Some are from Belarus, the Ukraine, Russia, and I'm from Estonia." There were 35 young people and they loved the Fields of the Wood! One of them said "We're going to bring back hundreds--you have been so nice to us." God's presence is felt greatly by all who come! We always hear, "God Bless America!" I say, "God Bless the Fields of the Wood!"

Jenna Allen, Fields of the Wood Gift Shop/Cafe Manager.

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