Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fast To Awakening 2009

Once more this year the leadership of the International Offices invite the Church of God of Prophecy family all around the world to join us in a Fast for Awakening 2009 as we begin the New Year. It has been a great strength infusion over the past two years to begin the New Year with 21 days of fasting and seeking God for His blessings over our efforts to answer His call and carry His gospel forward in the world. This year I cannot imagine beginning the year without such a season of seeking and hunger for God.

The most pronounced lesson that we have learned over the last two years has been that Christ is the head of the church and that we can do nothing without Him. Amazingly the most simple lessons seem to be the ones that keep returning as new revelations along the journey. Just as our flesh bodies are the frail temples for our soul and spirit to use, the church here on earth is the frail vessel for Christ to fill and then work through to accomplish His will in the world.

I know of no better way to welcome and to empower Christ's filling and working in the church than through fasting and prayer. So this January we are looking forward to another wonderful season of setting aside our desire for food and lifting high our desire for His will to be done and His presence to lead our ministries fresh and new. Fasting has always been a means of pressing our flesh cravings down, a form of crucifixion, and seeking Christ's presence and power. In a real way we are joining Christ in Gethsemene saying, "Not my will but thine be done."

With this understanding that we are the vessels and Christ is the treasure that fills us and empowers us, we can all declare that we need God in our areas of outreach and ministry. In the broad scope let me point you to our three Core Values as we consider fasting and seeking God for the first 21 days of 2009. Prayer, Harvest, and Leadership Development are the three values God has laid on our hearts from the General Presbyters' table.

Perhaps we could ask God to raise up a mighty prayer hunger for God and His personal touch throughout out ministry area. There are so many aspects of application for this great value, revival, renewal, awakening, empowering, leading, etc.

Perhaps we could pray that God will work with us, in us, and through us to see where He is opening ministry opportunities and to carry us into those divinely prepared ministries. Again, many harvest goals could be mentioned for prayer.

Leadership Development
Perhaps we could seek God to raise up an army of harvesters and ministers to reap in this glorious season of harvesting around us. The list will span from developing new emerging leaders, to fortifying our current consistent and strong leaders.

Also as we pray here in the United States we will be joining the Awakening America movement that is led by Bishop William Wilson. Material for information about the Awakening America season of fasting can be easily found at their web site or by contacting the International Center for Spiritual Renewal. We are not alone in this season of seeking. Many other ministries have felt the tug of the Lord on their hearts to seek Him early for this year of ministry. Let's remember the promise of God from Jeremiah as we join together for this Fast for Awakening 2009, "Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things that you do not know." As we seek God together I am expecting great and mighty things to come from God.

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