Saturday, October 11, 2008

Seniors Retreat

Seniors Retreat has just ended with retreaters coming from all over Alabama. The attendance was great with 72. Emmett and Doris Reese used the theme, "For Where Your Treasure Is There Will Be Your Heart Also". Sister Annzella Abernathy, pastor at Fort Payne, was the guest speaker and did a great job in letting us know we are not too old to be used by God. He is just looking for a willing vessel. Brother Odell Green and Brother Bill Noe had very spiritual devotions that spoke to our heart. Special singers from Sterrett, "Triumphant Sounds" sung in the spirit and blessed each one present. This was a wonderful retreat and everyone went to their place of ministry with a desire to put their whole heart into the work of their local church. Brother and Sister Reese and their staff (including the cooks) are to be commended for their labor of love.

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